State of the Shifty 2024

Hey y'all! So far this year has been a little harder on me than I expected, and I haven't been able to restock Junk Boxes as frequently as I'd like. Sticker Club is running with about a 2 week delay but will catch up soon. I'm working as hard as I can to keep things operating smoothly, so your patience is super super appreciated.

New planned Junk Boxes for 2024: Build a Bear, Arts and Crafts (I would love feedback on how specific y'all want these,) Anime & Manga book box, Board & Card game box, Shifty Mystery Merch box

Boxes we're retiring: Scholastic Book Fair, Coffee Mug, Furbling

If you have any ideas for Junk Boxes you'd be willing to purchase, drop some feedback here in this thread. I am not an expert in all things, but I like learning about what you guys collect and shop for!